A Look Forward With Gratitude


Happy New Year! We hope this year is filled with all our community desires and deserves, today and always. As we continue to usher in 2023 and celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this month we cannot help but reflect on Imani (Faith), the principle celebrated on the last day of Kwanzaa.

Countless events (be they tragic or triumphant) are unfolding. However, one thing that remains unwavering is the tremendous support of our community. That support has not only kept our organization afloat but  also has allowed us to rise up, shine and thrive despite the countless challenges faced. Little Sun People  remains a very special place that gathers like minds and hearts. It’s a place that continues to ground us through our children  in the African-centered teachings and traditions that will equip us to navigate this new and changing world in 2023 and beyond. 

So to kick off 2023, we first want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt thanks to the entire LSP staff⸺  not only our classroom teachers, but also our enrichment teachers, administrative staff and our custodial staff. Amidst waves of continued uncertainty, temporary closures, and an unprecedented move, we've been inspired by their persistence and efforts on behalf of our Little Sun People! Their care, kindness, and love is tremendous. We could not have made it to 2023 and beyond without them!

We also want to thank all that routinely go above and beyond by volunteering their expertise, time, and connections⸺  coming to LSP’s rescue on more than one occasion, never wavering! We are incredibly grateful to you all!  Additionally, we are in awe of our parents and their children who stood with us and continue to do so as they experienced tremendous upheaval as we navigated interruptions in our program offerings. It is not lost on us how challenging the last few years have been and we cannot express how appreciative we are of your support, understanding, care  and patience as we fought to restore what was lost.  We look forward to welcoming many more amazing families committed to LSP’s hallmark  culturally-responsive early childhood experience that centers the African diaspora!  

Lastly, we want to acknowledge and appreciate the generosity of our countless supporters and donors including those who committed to our $1 a day campaign for the last 3 years and counting!   Because of your contributions, Little Sun People has moved into an amazing new space increasing our enrollment capacity to serve even more students! Additionally, our new space also offers us an opportunity to reopen our afterschool program to support children Pre-K-3rd grade. We aim to relaunch and make available in the Fall of the 2023-2024 school year!

This year, we celebrate LSP's 43rd anniversary; thank you for allowing us to continue to serve you! We look forward to 2023, as we commit to embracing the changes, strengthening our organization, securing our legacy, and moving forward with our purpose to live and teach Black history every day.

Mama Fela & LSP's Board of Directors

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